Tips on Stock Transfer RFPs

The RFP process can be a minefield for the uninitiated, so to be helpful  we put together the following list… Do Use a professional guide or facilitator if at all possible, to...
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Tips on Shareholder Meetings

We have served as Inspector of Elections at 475 shareholder meetings so far, and learned that Murphy’s Law is alive and well at these showcase events.  Here are a few tips to...
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Your Stock Transfer Agent is BNY Mellon or Computershare. What should you do?

“Nothing”  is a perfectly good answer.   (See our  Summer 2011 Press Room article on Computershare’s impending acquisition of BNY  Mellon Shareowner Services.)   Both agents  are good, and as a combination they will...
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Due for a Stock Transfer Check-Up?

More and more corporations are looking at their stock transfer contract situation today – terms and conditions, pricing, service package – for reasons we thought our readers would want to know.   Chief among these...
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Before Changing Transfer Agents, Consider This

On occasion public companies want to change their stock transfer agent.  This is not as common as it was 15 - 20 years  ago, because there are many fewer agents left to...
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12 Myths About Stock Transfer Service Contracts

The individual  components of stock transfer service contracts, and their fee schedules, cover  the full range of these four scenarios: Obviously make sense Not so obviously make sense Obviously do not make...
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10 Key Stock Transfer Agent Deliverables

Stock transfer agents have come a long way in the past decade in terms of what they can do for their corporate clients - and even how they think about their service...
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How You Can Help Your Stock Transfer Agent Help You

No relationship is a one-way street, even where just one party (you) is paying the bills.   True relationships are based on trust, fairness, agreements (written and unwritten)...and on good communication channels.   Shareholder...
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12 Things to Think About When Choosing a Stock Transfer Agent

We are constantly asked how best to choose an investor services provider like a transfer agent.  It is a topic that could fill many pages, but for our readers' convenience we have...
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How to Save Stock Transfer Agent Costs

Stock transfer is an important function for public companies, which is why all but a relative handful of them have entrusted it to outside professional transfer agents.   At the same time, however,...
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