Shareholder Service Solutions, Inc.
Simply put, Andy Wilcox’s services made me look and sound like I was an expert in transfer agent contracts, pricing and policies, when clearly I am not. His customer service was excellent and was all encompassing as it pertains to the services and advice he provided. He saved me the countless hours it would have taken to become appropriately educated on transfer agents and their contracts in addition to helping deliver a refreshed contract and pricing structure with my existing vendor that is better than I ever would have been able to do on my own. ~ Steve Willoughby, Vice President Investor Relations, PerkinElmer, Inc.

Protect your shareholders’ stock and cash from escheatment, enhancing your investor relations
States in the U.S. have become increasingly greedy. They hire “contingent fee auditors” to sniff out stock and cash on transfer agents’ books which they CLAIM are property “abandoned” by shareholders –...
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Precatory means expressing a wish or desire, rather than a legal obligation to perform. Relative to annual shareholder meetings it describes company management proposals like say-on-pay, or any shareholder proposals. I.e., management needs to “face up to” the voting outcomes on such proposals if they were not what it hoped for, but it is technically not required to act on them. That said, management usually acknowledges such negative results at least, and promises to seriously evaluate them.

“Invest in a business any idiot can run — because sooner or later one will.” ~ Peter Lynch