Protect your shareholders’ stock and cash from escheatment, enhancing your investor relations

States in the U.S. have become increasingly greedy.  They hire “contingent fee auditors” to sniff out stock and cash on transfer agents’ books which they CLAIM are property “abandoned” by shareholders –...
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Get comfortable with shareholder questions

We have heard lately about companies wondering if they can legally prevent shareholders from asking (difficult) questions at virtual shareholder meetings.  The answer seems to be yes, as opposed to preventing them...
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If the reader is involved with investor services at a U.S. public company, and is not a member of either the Shareholder Services Association or the Securities Transfer Association, we believe he...
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IPO Stock Transfer Agent

Is choosing a stock transfer agent before a company goes public something management should focus on? Or can the company trust that its law firm will do that well enough?
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DRIPs and DSPPs – Are They Worth Offering to Shareholders?

Cost/benefit analysis of DRIPs/DSPPs
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Stock Transfer Service Charges – Start with a Macro View

Stock transfer service charges should first be weighed in total, for market competitiveness, before individual line items are scrutinized.
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Can Pills Poison the Transfer Agent Too?

By way of background, “poison pill” in the securities industry is the nickname given to a specialized form of “rights agency,” which essentially gives current shareholders of a public company the right...
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Warning – beware of transfer agent charges to interface with other service providers

This issue has always been a problem with stock transfer agents, especially the larger ones. It bothers them to have invested money in ancillary service capabilities like corporate actions, proxy functionality and lost shareholder searches – and then see the client choose another service provider. So the transfer agent will often quote substantial fees to “support” the chosen vendor’s activities (providing shareholder files, updating shareholder accounts after processing) in an attempt to discourage the client from utilizing the outside firm.
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Transfer Agent Charges That Should Be Scrutinized

Most stock transfer service fees and expenses are fairly straight-forward. A number of them, however, require special focus and, sometimes, a third-party expert opinion…like these:
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What Does a Stock Transfer Agent Do?

We have said a lot of things about the stock transfer industry on this website over the past seven years, but have never summarized for our readers what a stock transfer agent actually does. We do so here, citing both the widely known and not-so-widely known functions.
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